Believe it or not, the writers at Beantown Lifestyle might have an opinion or two on topics other than sports. Once in a while, we like to articulate thoughts on other matters. Sometimes, just sometimes, they make sense.

This particular idea is something that I've kind of always thought about but never put pen to paper, so to speak. I grew up watching old black and white WWII films with my dad, and slowly my tastes evolved from watching John Wayne running around with seemingly unlimited ammo to the more shockingly vivid battle wounds depicted in modern war films (although
Sands of Iwo Jima will always be a favorite).
When I was a kid, war movies were coming out every year and I remember my dad going to see them and telling me about them, but saying I wasn't old enough to see them myself. They were too violent, too bloody, too scary. I remember thinking, "Why do they have to make them so violent and realistic? Just because they can, doesn't mean they have to. Kids want to watch war movies, too."
Over the years, I grew my DVD collection and began including the same films that I wasn't allowed to see when I was younger. These movies grabbed my love of history with a penchant for action and harnessed me in over and over again.