We're happy to announce the birth of a new charity, Sports Recycled. It's very basic- we're looking for households and families with old sports stuff laying around. Things maybe you or your kids used when they were younger but now they're too small, or out of style, but still in good condition.
We've been partnered with the Massachusetts Bay division of
Big Brother, Big Sister and 100% of donations will go directly to them.
I got the idea recently just looking in my garage and thinking I should donate it somewhere. Then I thought of my family and friends who probably have plenty of stuff of their own collecting dust in their garages, basements, and closets. So I've been handing out fliers, making phone calls, and sending emails to make it happen.
It might not escalate to much more than a few families helping out. But even the smallest donations can make the biggest differences. And maybe if it takes off, we can expand and make it an annual thing.
Do you have old sports equipment laying around not being used? Donate to Sports Recycled!
Inquiries can be made to:
Tim Wirzburger(781-308-7998)