Last week I finished Allegiant, the third installment of the Divergent trilogy. This brilliant series composed by young author Veronica Roth is sure to become the next big thing, if it hasn't already. That is not to say, however, that these books were without flaws.
I first tried to read Divergent over Christmas break and couldn't get past the first 20 pages- it just didn't grab me. However, after hearing more and more from friends who loved it I gave it another try. And I'm glad I did.
One of the first things I noticed is that Roth tells the story in present-tense, first person narrative. Much like the Hunger Games, this is a story about a post-apocalyptic America as told through the eyes of a teenage girl who tries to break free of the Machiavellian societal structure and in turn sparks a revolution.
It's difficult not to compare this series to the Hunger Games, and there are those who dismiss it as a knock-off or even an unoriginal piece crafted after Suzanne Collins' works. I'm not sure that's a fair assessment, but the books are very similar in the general premise. However, the stories are very different.